I N T E R P A G E Network Services Inc. FAX Services www.interpage.net ============================================================================== InFax/OutFax Configuration Information [] Instructions and Specifications of the Interpage Fax System for: -INward Faxing, which refers to faxes which will be sent to your fax or any other number of faxes worldwide, generated as a result of all/some inbound email. Faxes are automatically delivered to the destinations selected under Option 6. For more information on how to set up InFaxes, please consult the Interpage Manual, on our Web site (www.interpage.net), or via Telnet access (telnet interpage.net, log in as "guest" or your existing username). -OUTward Faxing, which refers to faxes which you may send to anyone in the world by sending mail to -config@interpage.net. Thus, to send a fax to New Orleans telephone number (504) 555-1212, user Joe would send to: To: joe-config@interpage.net Subject: fax 5045551212 ...and type up his message, send it, and his fax message will be delivered to (504) 555-1212 in a matter of minutes. (NOTE: International calls should use the US/Canada "011" prefix prior to the destination number, ie: "01144815551212" to fax to "81-555-1212" in the UK.) However, many users may want to configure the way their faxes will "look", that is, they may prefer that faxes be darker and wish to use a bold font, or feel that the font itself is too small, and require a slightly larger one, etc. As a result, we have just added a configuration menu to allow all of our users to set defaults for their faxes. These defaults will be applied to all OUTward Faxes ("Outfaxes"), and a number of them will also apply to INward Faxes ("Infaxes") as well. You may change your default settings whenever you wish, as often as you wish, and the changes will be reflected immediately in any subsequent faxes which you send. In order to configure (or re-configure) you fax settings, please log on (via telnet) to "interpage.net", enter your username and password (let us know if you forgot your password or it doesn't work). You may also access these settings via the World Wide Web at www.interpage.net. You will notice a new section labeled: "5. View/Edit Faxing Style" (or on the WWW "Configure Fax Settings") If you select this, you should see the following menu: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Faxing style for account joe A. Maximum pages, infax : 10 B. Maximum pages, outfax : 10 C. Include mail headers : All D. Add cover page : on E. Use high-resolution faxing : on F. Page layout : 1-up G. Font : Courier H. Bold : on J. Font point size : 10 K. Outfax success confirmation : on L. Outfax failure confirmation : on M. Maximum number of retries : default N. Delay between retries : default O. Individual cover pages : off P. Left margin indent : 0 points R. Paper size : Letter S. Max retries on no carrier : default T. Header on text faxes : None Return to redraw. Q to quit. Option: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will note that some of these options only allow you to control aspects of the Outfax option. This is because some of these features are either not relevant to Infaxing, or may be configured elsewhere, such as when you set up an Infax in the "Scheduling" section. (For more information on setting up a schedule, please refer to our manual on our WWW server, at http://www.interpage.net, or mail us and we will be glad to send you one.) Description of some of a user's Fax configuration features: A. Maximum Pages, infax: used to set an upper limit on how many pages will be faxed to you when inbound email is received. Thus, if someone chose to send you a text file on all words which begin with vowels which was 200 pages long, you would *only* receive whatever number of pages you specified in this setting, which in "joe's" account (above) was 5. B. Maximum Pages, outfax: Same as "A", but for Outfaxes. Useful if you tend to send a lot of faxes, and want to be sure that in the event that you accidentally include the above vowel list in your fax to someone that they don't have to watch 200 pieces of fax paper be wasted! This will effectively prevent you from sending unintentionally long e-mail. C. Include mail headers: OUTFAX ONLY. If "off" a mail header will not be generated on the page. This will speed up fax time and make your fax appear as a regular, typed letter. If "on", the standard e-mail header will be included. D. Add cover page: OUTFAX ONLY (The cover sheet option for Infaxes is set when you schedule an Infax in the "Scheduling" section.) If "on", an "Interpage" cover sheet will be generated with the actual fax, with routing/ destination information if you supply it. If "off", a cover sheet will not be generated. E. Use high-res faxing: If "on", Interpage will attempt to send the fax in "high resolution mode", which is clearer, yet slower than low-resolution. (NOTE that some faxes may only receive in lowres mode, so even if you have hires mode set "on", the fax at the receiving end will appear as a low-resolution fax.) If "off", low-resolution faxing will be used. F. Page layout: Page layout will allow you to send a number of fax pages simultaneously on one page. You may chose from 1, 2, or 4 pages to appear on a given single page at the receiving end. G. Font: Allows you to select what font you wish your faxes to appear in, either Courier, Helvetica, or Times. H. Bold: Bold "on" will result in all of your faxes having darker print, which in some cases will be more legible on older, thermal fax machines. Bold "off" will result in faxes with normal print. J. Font point size: Allows you to chose the point size which all text will be printed in on the receiving end's fax. 10 or 12 points is what most people use, although the range offered runs from as small as 6 points to as large as 20 points, which is useful for the visually impaired. K. Outfax success conf: Will transmit an email message to you telling you that your fax was successfully sent to the destination machine. "On" results in confirmations; "Off" prevents confirmations from being sent to you. L. Outfax failure conf: Will transmit an email message to you in the event that your fax message was not successful after multiple tries. We suggest you keep this option "On", so that you will be alerted when a fax has failed. "Off" will prevent notification of failure from being emailed to you. M. Maximum number of retries: Set the maximum number of times Interpage's fax server should try to connect if the line of the destination fax machine is busy. N. Delay between retries: Set the time interval between retries P. Left margin indent: Set how far to the left text/graphics begin on your fax pages; useful for non-standard paper sizes. R. Paper size: Set standard paper sizes. S. Max retries on no carrier: Set the number of tries that Interpage will try your fax in there is no answer (NOT busy) to prevent repeated calls to a non-fax number. T. Header on text faxes: Set any text header you would like to appear on top of a given text fax page. (Infax failures and confirmations are set when you schedule an Infax.) Finally, some of these settings may be overriding in OUTfaxing by use of the following commands, all of which must be placed in the Subject: line of an outfax, with a space between it and anything near it. All these options will ignore/override your default settings, above. -postscript Body is a plaintext postscript file -postscript2 Body is a postscript file, as text, but search for "%!PS-Adobe" before starting and "%%EOF" to end -psatt Attached postscript or Attached PDF file -uups replaces fax uuencode -postscript and fax -postscript2 Enables customer to send uuencoded (and gzipped, if they desire) postscript (level 1, 2, or PDF) files for faxing. PDF rules: 1) PDF must not be encrypted 2) PDF should be v2.1 or v3.0 of Adobe Acrobat compliant 3) PDF should be uuencoded when sent OR be kept in text format 4) PDF should not be attached -doc Body may be any of the following: *Uuencoded MS Word DOC file *GZipped uuencoded MS Word DOC file *Uuencoded RTF file *GZipped uuencoded RTF file *MIME/ATTACHED MS Word DOC file *MIME/ATTACHED RTF file (MIME/ATTACHMENT detection is automatic) -doca Forces file to be decoded as MIME/ATTACHED DOC or RTF file -xls File is an attached Microsoft Excel (.XLS) file -url Use: -url http://www.site.domain; faxes Web page at given URL -html Body is an HTML file to be interpreted and converted to fax -htmla Body is an attached HTML file to be decoded and converted -text Body is a regular text message -delay H:M:S Delay the sending H hours, M minutes, and S seconds -pgp Body is ASCII armor PGP encoded -lowres Send the fax as low resolution (also -lores) -highres Send the fax as high resolution (also -hires) -noheaders Strip out the e-mail headers (text only) -headers Keep all headers (text only) -someheaders Keep only important headers (text only) -bold Use a bold font (text only) -plain Use a non-bold font (text only) -cover Add a cover page -layout 1/2/4 Put one, two, or four pages per page (text only) -columns N Reformat the fax to N columns (text only) -confsucc A Send a success confirmation to address A (multiple times) -conffail B Send a fail conf to address B (can be used multiple times) -queuesucc C Send a successful queue confirmation to C (multiple times) -queuefail D Send a failed queue confirmation to D (can use multiple times) -fontsize 6-20 Use a font from 6-20 points (text only) -font F Use selected font: courier, helvetica, or times (text only) -code C Mark fax with code C -stored xxxxxx Send a fax stored in with FaxUp with index # xxxxxx -from Changes the "From:" field on the cover sheet Syntax: -from ", just quotes" -re Puts a "Re: " message on the cover sheet; needs a special cover sheet. Also, X-Re in the headers can be used to accomplish the same thing; both "-re" and "X-Re" can be used simultaneously and their content of both will be displayed. Syntax: -re ", just quotes" -extword (word) Used to embed commands which would normally be placed in the Subject: line in the body of the message. This is generally useful if you have limitations on the size of your Subject: line or need to include a lot of information. The commands between the "extended begin" and "extended end", inclusively, will not be faxed. The "extended begin ..." command MUST be the first line of text in your message. (It may work if it is not, however, this feature is unsupported). The Subject: line of your e-mail MUST contain "fax -extword (word)", where (word) is any string of your choosing. Do NOT use parenthesis around your keyword. The remaining commands are then placed in the body, as per below: - this indicates that all text which follows until the "end" command (below) is to be interpreted as a set of Subject: line commands. (word) is the keyword, without the parenthesis, which you used in the Subject: line - this indicates that the commands are done. Example: Subject: fax -extword abcd (this is what would be placed in the Subject of your e-mail to your Interpage account; the remainder would go in the body, as per below:) -code 123456-6561 -font times -fontsize 10 -nocover -confsucc xyz@interpage.net -conffail zyx@interpage.net 2135551212,2155551212,011618111222 save Send a fax to your WWW storage area for viewing from the WWW (as in "Subject: fax save", where "save" replaces a tel.#) May be viewed at http://www.interpage.net/webreach/faxlist list replace: Used to upload lists or multiple recipients to a list. Subject: list replace fax ...will create a list named with for faxing. Lists should be two columns, separated by at least one space. The recipient phone number is placed in the first column, and Station ID info appears in the second. Thus e-mail with: Subject: list replace groupa fax 2135551212 John Smith 6175551212 Jane Smith ...will result in a list of two entries, called "groupa". (To use/send to your lists, see below.) Examples: #1. To: joe-config@interpage.net Subject: fax -cover -hires -bold 3125551212 John, extension 3322 ....will result in Interpage ignoring whatever default "cover", "resolution" and "bold" settings Joe has in his "Faxing Style" settings, and send a fax to (312) 555-1212, with the words "To: John, extension 3322" on the cover sheet. The fax will be sent in hires mode, and all text will appear in bold. #2. To: joe-config@interpage.net Subject: fax -nocover -plain 8185551212 John, at the water cooler. ....will result in a fax to (818) 555-1212, in plain text. The "To:" line "John, at the water cooler" will NOT be sent, as the "-nocover" override is present, and thus no cover sheet will be generated. All other settings will be subject to Joe's defaults. #3. To: joe-config@interpage.net Subject: fax -postscript 2135551212 John ....will result in a fax to (213) 555-1212 as a true reproduction of the PostScript file which is added to the body of the letter as TEXT, not as an attachment. You may also use commas (,) between destination phone numbers to specify multiple recipients: #4. To: joe-config@interpage.net Subject: fax 2135551212,2125551212,9045551212 ....will send the same fax to all the above destination numbers. You may also specify a Group List, or individual telephone numbers AND a group list(s): #5. To: joe-config@interpage.net Subject: fax group1 ....will send a fax to everyone listed on "Group1". #6. To: joe-config@interpage.net Subject: fax group1,joegroup,group2 ....will send a fax to everyone listed on "Group1", "joegroup", and "Group2". #7. To: joe-config@interpage.net Subject: fax group1,2125551212,group2 ...will send a fax to everyone listed on "Group1", to telephone number (212) 555-1212, and to everyone listed on "Group2". NOTE: To create and set groups, telnet to interpage.net, select Option 8, select "Edit/Create Fax Group Lists", and follow the prompts. To upload group lists, please contact "help@interpage.net" for assistance. For additional information, please call +1 (650) 331-3900 or visit us at http://www.interpage.net (c) Copyright Interpage NSI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------