INSI Interpage (TM) contact: Bill DeBello phone: +1 (650) 331-3900 e-mail: telnet:,login as "guest" www: ======================================================================== I N T E R P A G E N E T W O R K S E R V I C E S I N C. PRESS RELEASE THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1994 ======================================================================== Interpage Network Services Inc. (INSI) announces the opening of a new Internet gateway service which integrates almost any direct-dialable pager in the world to the Internet, electronic mail, and facsimilie messaging. INSI'S "Interpage" (TM) service allows anyone who has an electronic mail (e-mail) account to fully integrate their pager and those of their colleagues, employees, friends, and family to the Internet with variety of unique and innovative services. It also allows those who do not have e-mail accounts to receive pages and faxes from other e-mail users, making any pager or fax owner fully and immediately accessible to the millions of e-mail users on the Internet. Interpage customers are given a individual account on the Interpage system, and have the option of forwarding their mail to Interpage, having mail sent directly to Interpage, or both. Once Interpage receives mail for a given customer, he or she may select to be notified of the mail by pager, by fax, or to have the mail forwarded to one or more other e-mail locations, or even to do nothing. Interpage offers the ability to apply a sophisticated set of "screens" for filtering out unwanted mail so that customers will not be paged or faxed with unimportant mail, paged at late hours, or paged/faxed with large group mailings. Interpage customers may also specifically select from who they do or do not wish to be paged, faxed, or have mail forwarded from, and incorporate such a "screen" into the aforementioned "screens" above. In addition, all of Interpage's "screens" and filtering options are changeable at will by the customer -- the entire system is automated to allow customers to change a variety of paging options as easily as they dial a telephone number or send email. Additionally, Interpage customers receive a variety of additional services, such as: -The ability to page almost anyone else in the world who owns a pager directly from their e-mail accounts, at substantial long distance savings. No special software is required -- sending a page is as easy as sending mail. -The option to forward mail based on a configurable daily or weekly schedule to one or more email addresses or fax locations. -The ability to redirect mail to fax locations based on the sender or codewords in the Subject: line, allowing businesses and individuals without immediate or direct e-mail access to receive mail from the Internet community instantly. -A sophisticated, easily configurable Reminder option which allows customers to set reminders for themselves for any time or date in the future. -Link and Web Site Failure Monitoring and Notification system -URL and Web Site Faxing -Faxing, Telephone and Paging Gateway services to move Internet content traditional communications media. -An easy-to-use menu system which customers may use to modify almost every aspect of their paging service, accessible via e-mail or by using "telnet" from almost any computer system in the world linked in some way to the Internet. -An Internet "Fax-On-Demand" storage/retrieval system for businesses who wish to establish a presence on or who are currently connect the Internet. Businesses may pass customer queries to Interpage or prospective customers may directly query Interpage's Fax-Back server and have detailed information faxed to their location immediately. Interpage welcomes to opportunity to demonstrate its service to interested parties -- we think those who do try out the feature rich environment will find it to be a useful and indispensable tool for enhanced integration between the Internet, Facsimilie, and pager messaging. For more information relating to INSI and the Interpage service, please call INSI at +1 (510) 315-2750 or e-mail